Jazzclub Regensburg

Welcome to Jazzclub Ratisbona

The Jazzclub Ratisbona is one of the biggest clubs in Germany. For 26 years we have been a substantial part of cultural life in Ratisbona.

The story began over 30 years ago, when Richard Wiedamann took the initiative and opened a Jazzclub called “Rabozil”. Soon there was a faithful jazz community and the Jazzclub moved into the restaurant "Leerer Beutel". Since then the Jazzclub has established itself as one of the best known clubs in Bavaria. We organize about 60 concerts a year!

Stars like Chet Baker, the Vienna Art Orchestra and many more Jazz Greats names were playing on our stage. However, we also want to promote young talents and a new generation of Jazz musicians. This is why we created the “Blue Sunday” respectively “Talents on stage”. On these occasions young musicians have the chance to perform in front of quite an audience. Supporting the regional jazz scene is our contribution to our beloved home city Ratisbona.

Our program includes every variation of jazz. We consider ourselves to be courageous, experimental and always open to something new. Crossover is the magic word! However, our focus is on contemporary jazz.

Besides the concerts we are in close contact to music and cultural institutions from Ratisbona and the whole region, such as the JazzZeitung, the Jazzweekend, the Music College and many other clubs and festivals.

You want to be perform on the Jazzclub stage?
We would be pleased to welcome you!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.    

Ulrike Eilers
Booking & Management
Tel.: 0049 (0)941 563375
Email: info@jazzclub-regensburg.de    
Monday to Friday 1 – 5 pm